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Photography @

On this page I have collected a few tips, articles, and tools for photographers.


Let's start with some of the software tools that I like and use:


And some handy references:

Best Work

I am very proud of the following image; it's a HDR/Pano composite of 77 images providing an interactive view of a Shanghai cityscape:

Shanghai at Night

Here's a simple example that illustrates the power of Photoshop for retouching:

Photoshop Retouching

An introductory article I wrote on UniWB:


An article I wrote on AdobeRGB:


And another article on color management under Microsoft Windows:

Windows Color Management

And here's a PhotoShop script for resizing and sharpening images. It employs several unconventional but fascinating techniques:

Image Resize and Sharpen


© Copyright Malcolm Hoar 1995-2014
malch at malch dot com